陈奕迅的英文名字叫Eason Chan,简称Eason,谐音“伊森”,拼音“yi sen”。 陈奕迅(Eason Chan),别名医生,吹神,E臣,陈小胖,所长,陈二萌。中国香港流行乐男歌手、演员,代表作品有:天下无双、K歌之王、你的背包、十年、浮夸、爱情转移、好久不见、淘汰、不要说话、你给我听好,凭借随性不羁、鬼马搞怪的风格在香港乐坛独树一帜。 b812c8fcc3cec3fd2d6a7f1cdb88d43f87942707 扩展资料: 1996年,陈奕迅与中国香港女演员徐濠萦相恋。1997年,二人开始同居生活。2004年10月,陈奕迅、徐濠萦的女儿陈康堤出生 。2006年3月23日,陈奕迅与徐濠萦在香港举行了婚礼 。 5fdf8db1cb134954aed1310d5b4e9258d0094a88 陈奕迅是香港主流乐坛的代表性人物之一 ,被外界誉为“张学友的接班人” 参考资料:

《伊森情歌》在线观看地址:/02dydetail/12445.html 欢迎把《伊森情歌》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影伊森情歌讲述:When one is in search of what he needs, only to find it when he returns home.   This is a story of a man who comes back home to recover from big city life. But it’s not that easy when he has to fight for the things that he thought were supposed to be given. He has to work through this farming challenge to claim it back. His friends and family are all there to help him. Somehow wi...
